This brick building on the right is still standing and is known as the oldest school in the area. It was built in 1872 on Moses Renville's land southwest of Peever by the government for teaching the Sioux Indian children in their native language.

It was also used as a church before there was a church building at the Indian Agency.

When it was no longer needed, it was used as a family home by the Renvilles.

There is more on this building in the Churches section of the website under St. Mary's Episcopal.


In 1926 a one acre plot of land was bought from Jemima Two Stars Jones. A building was moved in from the Agency and used as the Agency Township hall. It burned in 1990.

(Names not available) 


Established in 1906.

Students are from the Hanson, Lester Johnson, Erling Erickson, and Cardwell families.

Photo..Jeanne Leiseth

There were also Agency # 3 and # 4.

all Agency Township schools were closed in 1965.