Today Big Coulee Ascension is still an active congregation with about sixty members. The present pastor is Rev. Floyd Heminger. |
This lovely country church has the distinction of being known as the oldest church in Roberts County. It is located in Sec. 4 in Spring Grove Township and was built in 1874. The congregation was organized in 1868 with 45 members. It was called Ascension because the church was situated in the hauntingly beautiful hill country and many of the members had to ascend a steep hill to reach it. The first minister was the Rev. Daniel Renville and after him came Rev. John B. Renville who was ordained in 1865. J. B. Renville was the first Dakota Indian so ordained. He continued as minister until his death in 1903. During his term of service eleven persons of his congregation were ordained as ministers and seventeen others were sent out as missionary workers. (Information taken from the Roberts County History Book) A later minister of this church was Rev. Samuel Hopkins who was the father of Hannah, Mrs. Solon LaBatte. |