THESE ARE COURT HOUSE RECORDS OF THE ACTUAL SALE OF THE LAND THAT WAS TO BECOME THE PEEVER TOWN SITE. (Note that the day George Brunell received his patent he sold it immediately to Spackman, Peever and Miller.)
12/6/1900…Patent from USA to George Brunell..Nw1/4 of
NW ¼ of Sec. 8..124…50
12/6/1900…George Brunell to HL Spackman,
TH Peever, NH Miller…NW ¼ of NW1/4 of 8-124-50
12/14/1900………Platted the town of Peever…and signed by
the above three men….Spackman, Peever
and Miller.
DATE......... PURCHASER....... DESCRIPTION............ COST
11/4/10... Ole Olson & Henry Haugen ........Lot 8 blk
2... 100.00
3/21/10.... Gullik Helgeson
.......................W 30' of Lot 9 Blk 2... 900.00
2/6/06 ....Matt Opitz......................................Lot
2 Blk 3.... 800.00
6/2/14 ...Alfred Nelson .................................Lot 3 Blk 3`.... 150.00
6/18/07... YF Dove.........................................Lot 5 Blk 3...... 150.00
7/14/09 ...Alfred Nelson................................Lot 6 Blk 3...... 140.00
6/29/03...YF Dove..........................................Lot 7 Blk 3..... 100.00
10/23/02 YF Dove..........................................Lot 8 Blk 3
1/27/14... Isaac J Norby................................Lot
9-10 Blk 3... 600.00
3/16/16.... Roy Aney
.....................................Lot 9-10 Blk
3.... 1.00
3/10/03... RL Hensell
....................................Lot 11-12 Blk 3 ..600.00
8/21/05... Alfred Nelson................ Lot 4 Blk
4...... 1500.00
7/19/10... Rose Renville................ Lot 4 Blk
4 ......1100.00
8/24/06 ...Alfred Nelson............... Lot 5 Blk
4 .......200.00
1/22/10 ...AL Casey ......................Lot 5 Blk
4....... 325.00
8/9/09... Sampson Renville.......... Lot 6 Blk
4........ 600.00
10/26/08... J Stefflre.....................
Lot 7 Blk 4........ 350.00
5/17/15 ...Al Pierson ....................Lot 8-9 Blk
4..... 500.00
5/9/45 ...Harold Hortness ...........Lot 8& 16'
of 9 Blk 4 ....1000.00
1/4/10.. Victor Nelson................. Lot 11-12 Blk 4..... 300.00
2/28/10... Alexis Bailly ............Lot 1 Blk 7............ 300.00
6/5/12... Lilly Bailly................ Lot 1 Blk 7............ 700.00
9/20/11... Evan Hilland........... Lot 2 Blk 7 ............360.00
1/7/10 ..Hans Lillijord...........
Lot 2 Blk 7............ 200.00
12/11/01 ..EW Philen
.............Lot 6 Blk 7........... 100.00
2/11/10.. AW Pearson ............Lot 6 Blk 7 ...........200.00
11/29/09 .Allen & RH Aney... Lot 7-8 Blk 7...... 1.00
3/6/09... George Porter.... Part of lot 13 Blk 7.....
5/22/13 ...John Jones .......................Lot 6 Blk
8.......... 175.00
1/10/10... Harry Renville................ Lot 7 Blk
8.......... 75.00
3/6/16... Lampert Lumber Co........ Lot 8-10,
21-24 Blk 8 ......3000.00
10/27/08 ...Hazen Sheperd.............. Lot 13
Blk 8 ...........200.00
10/6/09... Harry Renville................ Lot 13-14 Blk
8..... 1100.00
10/6/09 ...Harry Renville ................Lot 16...... Blk 8
1/4/10 ...Gunder Hyme...................
Lot 19-20 Blk 8 .....150.00
5/21/10 ....FE James........................ Lot 22-23 Blk 8 ......120.00
10/10/10.... L James........................ Lot 21-24 .........1.00
2/15/11.... Earl Best........................ Lot 21-24 Blk
8...... 2000.00
9/27/10...Evan Hilland.................. Lot 3 Blk 16 .....30.00
5/22/07.....John & Solon LaBatte ...Lot 13-18 Blk 9.... 400.00
11/2/07.....John to Solon LaBatte.... Same .....700.00
5/26/08..... Solon to Philip LaBatte .....Same... 200.00
8/17/10 .....Philip to Alexis Bailly...
Same..... 1800.00
6/24/10..... Joseph Campbell... Lot 13-18&10
4/13/03..... Annie O'Connor .....Lot 3-6 Blk 11 .....135.00
6/18/07..... SJ Kolstad .....Lot 13 Blk 11 ......100.00
5/23/11..... AL Casey.... Lot 1 Blk. 12...... 175.00
9/30/09 ....Julius Gunderson.... Lot 2 Blk 12
11/22/10.... Paul Nickstad ....Lot 1-3 Blk 13 ....600.00
9/14/10..... JW Kelsey .....Lot 13-18 Blk 13.... 280.00
9/28/08 .....Philip LaBatte
....Lot 21 Blk.13 ...40.00
9/28/08 .....Philip LaBatte.....
Lot 20 Blk 13... 40.00
2/12/09 .....Solon LaBatte
....Lot 22 Blk 13.... 40.00
9/2/10 .......Lena Sjoberg ......Lot 10-12 Blk 14... 950.00
(6 room house and barn on lots)
12/11/01..... Geo. W Wensel ........Lot 1-4 Blk 15..... 100.00
10/25/09 .....Chas J Smith..... Lot 1-2 Blk 15..... 900.00
2/24/08 .......Oscar Hegna .....Lot 7-9-10 Blk 17 ..90.00
9/12/10 .......Frank Dudeck ...Lot 1-3 Blk 20.... 850.00
11/11/08 .....Frank Dudeck
Lot.... 4-6 Blk 20... 80.00
6/13/05...... Earl R Aney... Lot 7-12 Blk 20.... 165.00
6/8/11..... Evan Hilland Rice's Add.... Lot
7-9 Blk 1.... 975.00
A live and growing town in Roberts County, on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul RR, 10 miles southeast of Sisseton. It is surrounded by a rich farming
country, with the usual town improvements. Population 300.
NAME................ BUSINESS
A.L. Aney......... Proprietor New Palace Hotel &
G.W. Aney
Buyer…Miller Bros.
Rubin Aney........ Justice of the Peace
Aney Bros. Props.......... Pioneer Livery & Feed
M.E. Barnes ..........Barber and Marshal
Y.F. Dove........ Prop. Y.F. Dove Hardware
F.E. Dudeck ........Publisher of Peever
A.F. Erstgaard........ Asst. Cashier..First State Bank
J.F. Frederick .........V.P. First Sate Bank
F.E. James.......... General Merchandise
T.E. Kay............ Stonemason
H.C. Kurrasch...... Fuel and Feed
John Lainge .........Town Assessor
P.E. Lainge ..........Town Mayor
Lainge Bros. ........Blacksmiths
C. E. McGowan...... Lumber Co.
J.M. McKeever....... Elevator Co.
M. Meade......... Private Bank
Moore and Shepard........ Livery
Alex Murray .......Buyer..Ind.
Alfred Nelson Buyer.......Farmers Elev. Co.
Alfred Nelson ..........Town Treasurer
Mathias Opitz.......... Pres. First State Bank
Mathias Opitz.......... Prop. Opitz
and Co.
Eva Parsons............. Dressmaker
A.W. Pearson ......Physician & Druggist
John Peterson .........Prop. Central Hotel
Carl J. Rice......... Cashier First State Bank
Carl J. Rice ................Pres. Western land and Inv. Co.
C.A. Schmidt........... Pool Hall and restaurant
H.O. Swenson............ Hardware, furniture, undertaker